I'm reading a lot of blog about what's the business model of RSS. And people worried about adv in the RSS. I just got some experise which will make RSS bring some menoy for you if you work it on the right way:
I plan to upgrade my home computer so I look around to find the best deal: here in Toronto, this is where I am looking for,
ICCT, and
eSkynet. On Thursday, my co-worker told me, there were a good deal in
MDG right fit my target. when I check it on the web site, what a disappointed, it just expired on Wednesday. So what I am thinking, all the PC manufactures should have a RSS feed, when some one plan to shopping around for a best deal, he can subscribe to the RSS feed from computer manufacture, so he can get the best deal without shopping around. When it done, simple remove it or turn it off (with the help from news reader like
Blogline if it's possible.)
What the manufactures like dell, mdg and all others can get? first, it can attract potenial buyer; second and the best part I think is, for example, what I plan to buy is, Pentium IV (not Celeron), 1Gb RAM, DVD burner, Autodesk product support video card, > 150 Gb HD, 17" LCD monitor and 5.1 speaker. My budget only 1000$. If all the potenial computer buyer subscribe to manufacture's RSS feeder, it is like tell them, how many people, when like to buy what kind of computer, in what price range. It will save them a lot of menoy and risk to do the market research and estimate.
From here, how about electrical applicance, furniture, ... instead of computer manufacture, how about Wal-Mart, Sears, the Bays or Home Depot. it will much better than news letter.