Lost In Space: December 2005

HS | Hanna Strategies

Sunday, December 04, 2005
From a chinese graducate job hunting story, I got a Autodesk outsource company: HS | Hanna Strategies.


Saturday, December 03, 2005
I found this new blog from Revit OpEd and have problem to add it to my blogline. so I decide to leave them here:


Revit Implementation

Revit Rants

The Family Man

Revit Blog

Revit Consultant


Revit Wonder

Update: Reviteer

Snippets and Musings: .NET Remoting and AutoCAD Managed Wrappers (Part 1)

I found this at office in Autodesk Discussion Group, which blocked by websense. I have to check it back at home.
Snippets and Musings: .NET Remoting and AutoCAD Managed Wrappers (Part 1). I thought it would usefuly in the near future. I already have something in mind, like: from ASP.NET, start AutoCAD, create DWF file.

Good work, MKing. I am looking forward reading ...

VSTA and AutoCAD

Thursday, December 01, 2005
When I search how to use NUNIT in AutoCAD .net developer, I found this:
AutoCAD has the VSTA IDE embedded to provider customization,
a prototype of AutoCAD with VSTA ,
Autodesk Inc., has built a prototype version of Visual Studio Tools for Applications into its AutoCAD 2006 product family that integrates Visual Studio Tools for Applications.?

DEMO: VSTA running custom code in AutoCAD. Launch VSTA IDE from AutoCAD.

Anything from AU?