Lost In Space: June 2008

A word cloud

Friday, June 27, 2008
Here is my version of del.icio.us:

Five Finger Lake Trip

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Start - Taughannock Falls Park - Cornell University - Watkins Glen Park - Waterloo Premium Outlet Mall

Highway 90


1.沿89#公路向南走大约60公里,到达Taughannock Falls;

2.从Taughannock Falls向南继续开大约20公里,到达Athaca,康奈尔大学的所在地。

3.从Athaca向西沿79#公路开大约40公里,转上414#公路,再开10公里,到达Watkins Glen State Park;

4.从Watkins Glen State Park向南沿414#公路,开大约35公里,到达康宁的玻璃博物馆;傍晚返回从Watkins Glen State Park住宿;

5.从Watkins Glen State Park沿14#公路向北30公里,到达Glenora Wine Cellars(一家葡萄酒厂);

6.从Glenora Wine Cellars再向北大约40公里,在快到90#高速前右转上318#公路,到达Waterloo Premium Outlet Mall。

7.从Waterloo Premium Outlet Mall附近的90#高速42#入口上高速,返回多伦多。

expedia.ca 40$
horsehead motel

东方大峡谷: Letchworth State Park, hiking
Cornell: Herbert F. Johnson Museum

Finger lakes之行1

Finger lakes之行2

jQuery Custom Selectors

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

<code class="mix"><span class="com">// Add this code anywhere you want (after jQuery has been loaded).</span> <br /><span class="com">// Edit it to add your own expressions.</span> <br /><span class="jquery">jQuery</span>.extend(<span class="jquery">jQuery</span>.expr[<span class="string">':'</span>], { <br />    <span class="com">///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////</span> <br />    <span class="com">// form elements that are submitable based on these criteria</span> <br />    <span class="com">//    element is not disabled</span> <br />    <span class="com">//    element has a selected or checked attribute</span> <br />    <span class="com">//    element is a textarea</span> <br />    <span class="com">//    element is an input of type text or hidden</span> <br />    <span class="com">//</span> <br />    <span class="com">//  @usage: $(':submitable')</span> <br />    <span class="com">//  @usage: $('#myForm :submitable')</span> <br />    submitable: <span class="string">"!a.disabled&&(a.selected||a.checked||(a.nodeName.toUpperCase()=='TEXTAREA')||(a.nodeName.toUpperCase()=='INPUT'&&(a.type=='text'||a.type=='hidden'||a.type=='password')))"</span>, <br /> <br />    <span class="com">///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////</span> <br />    <span class="com">// elements that have a type attribute not equal to hidden</span> <br />    <span class="com">//    use if you want to select all input elements that are not hidden</span> <br />    <span class="com">//  @usage: $('input:nothidden')</span> <br />    nothidden: <span class="string">"a.type&&a.type!='hidden'"</span> <br />}) <br /></code>

JavaScript Modal Dialog

Saturday, June 07, 2008

SQL Server

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
--How to check SQL Server log
--Hot to Debug T-SQL in SQL Server

SELECT execution_count, st.text

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as qs

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st

WHERE st.text like '%FETCH NEXT FROM outerCursor INTO%'

b) How to: Debug T-SQL Using the SQL Server Management Studio

still from Visual Studio (Pro/Team, not Standard or Express)

c) from Debugging SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures in Visual Studio
  • Direct Database Debugging - from Visual Studio's Server Explorer, right-click on a database object
    and choose to step into the object. For example, when right-clicking on a stored procedure, the context menu includes a menu option titled "Step Into Stored Procedure."
  • Application Debugging - with application debugging you can set breakpoints within a database object. When the associated ASP.NET application is debugged and the database object invoked, Visual Studio's debugger pauses the application's execution as the breakpoint it hit, allowing us to step through the object's statements one at a time.
  • Debugging from a SQL Server Project - Visual Studio offers a SQL Server Project type. This project can include both T-SQL and managed database objects and these objects can be debugged by debugging the SQL Server Project itself.

  • local database
  • remove database
to do a Application Debugging
  • Add breakpoints to the database object(s) that you want to debug. A database object will only be debugged if it contains a breakpoint. For example, you cannot "Step Into" a stored procedure from application code that calls the stored procedure. Rather, you must explicitly set a breakpoint within the stored procedure itself.
  • Configure the application to debug SQL Server objects. For 'DataTest NoExcel', Properties, Debug, Enable Debuggers, check box 'Enable SQL Server debugging'; for ASP.NET, Property Pages, Start Options, Debuggers, check ASP.NET and SQL Server.
  • Update the connection string to disable connection pooling. Connection pooling is a performance enhancement that allows an application to connect to a database from an existing pool of connections. This feature, if enabled, does not correctly construct the debugging infrastructure needed on the connection taken from the pool. Since connection pooling is enabled by default, we must update our connection string to disable connection pooling during the timeframe that application debugging
    is being used. (After you've completed debugging the SQL Server objects via application debugging be sure to reinstate connection pooling.) To accomplish this simply tack on the attribute Pooling=false to you existing connection string

--How to error handling in T-SQL in SQL Server

a) @@ERROR
b) T-SQL Error Handling in SQL Server 2005
try ... catch

--How to avoid cursor in T-SQL
a) WHILE in TSQL Ref: How Developers Can Avoid Transact-SQL Cursors
WHILE: 9 sec CURSOR: 17 sec
b) ref:
Performance tunning in SQL Server TSQL Cursors
Use WHILE LOOPS Use temp tables Use derived tables Use correlated sub-queries Use the CASE statement Perform multiple queries
c) Increase your SQL Server performance by replacing cursors with set operations d) Robyn Page's SQL Server Cursor Workbench


a). temptable in SQL Server

TABLE variable type

b) SQL Server, Server roles:










c) store database connection string encrypted,

Data protection API(DPAPI)

d) All input is evil


e) no sa

SELECT-only account for data retrieval

EXECUTE-only account for stored procedures